
Ambience meaning
Ambience meaning

ambience meaning ambience meaning

The overall ambience of the room is cosy. Ambiance definition, the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, etc., particularly of an environment or milieu: The restaurant had a delightful ambiance. 2) character given to a sound recording by the space in which the sound occurs … English terms dictionaryĪmbience - am|bi|ence ambiance n the qualities and character of a particular place and the way these make you feel = ↑atmosphere… … Dictionary of contemporary EnglishĪmbience - æ̱mbiəns] also ambiance N SING: also no det, oft N of n The ambience of a place is the character and atmosphere that it seems to have. Both spellings are in use, although ambiance differs… … Modern English usageĪmbience - environment ambient, atmosphere, climate, medium, surroundings concept 673 … New thesaurusĪmbience - (also ambiance) ► NOUN 1) the character and atmosphere of a place. It is firmly established in the language after a century or so of use. ambiance) … Etymology dictionaryĪmbience - meaning ‘surroundings, atmosphere’, is derived from French ambiance (a form which is also occasionally used in English). ambiance … English World dictionaryĪmbience - (n.) 1797, from Fr.

ambience meaning

But in fact, the Anglicized word has been in English longer. a particular setting or its distinctive atmosphere : also sp. Ambiance is the French word from which the English one derives, and ambience is an Anglicization. See: ambiance … English dictionaryĪmbience - n. Ambience - UK / US or ambiance UK / US noun Word forms ambience : singular ambience plural ambiences the character of a place or the feeling you have about it The pub had a comfortable ambience.

Ambience meaning